The Pursglove Family Database is a compilation of records that can be searched for information about family relationships. It is based on the family history records of Paul Pursglove and is arranged in the following search order;

   Name Search - Returns all of the names held on the database by selecting first name and/or surname. Each name has an ID number.

   Name Search A - Includes date range search which will only return data for fully complete record entries.

   ID Number Search - Returns information about the person and their parents, siblings, marriages and children.

   ID Person Search - Returns the full database record held for one individual, excluding embedded sort codes.

   Code Search - Returns the location for the 4 letter codes used in the database records.        Location Code List

   Place Search - Returns 4 letter codes used for the the location in the database records.

   Keyword Search - Returns any string matches from the whole database set.

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Where data is incomplete or missing, the searches will not recover all of the information required.  Should you have additional information about family relationships, or find errors within the data, please contact us.

Points of interest:

  1. Marriages were often recorded in both the husbands and wives parishes prior to 1837 as banns were read in both parishes.  If the parish records are unclear, as many are, banns could be mistaken for actual marriage records.
  2. Marriages by licence, outside of the Church of England are usually much more reliable evidence.
  3. Early records are difficult as often a childs birth was registered in the fathers name only.  Such records were taken to record paternity where women had few rights in law.
  4. The census records and travel lists are not accurate.  They rely on people telling the enumerator information that some people may want to conceal for all sorts of reasons.